Reconvening Details - What to Expect

The threat from COVID-19 is still present and returning to church does not mean conducting operations as usual. Desert Cross has developed a plan to allow us to come back together as safely as possible, acknowledging that the COVID-19 virus continues to pose a risk when people are gathered. We strongly encourage those in high-risk groups to worship at home.

The key ingredient to this plan is You and your promise to follow this plan for the protection of everyone in our community.

***The reconvening team understands that these procedures don't feel normal. We won't call this our "new normal" but our temporary process for protecting each other from a pandemic. When COVID-19 becomes a time in history, we will look back and tell the children about how we adapted our worship services in the spirit of love and caring for each other.

Prior to coming on campus:
It is agreed that NO ONE will attend any Desert Cross gathering if they are ill. This includes experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 or seasonal flu including fever, cough, sore throat, body aches, diarrhea or malaise. Please be extra vigilant and stay home if you are not feeling well in ANY way.
Masks shall be worn at all times when inside the buildings. (Masks are not required for kids under 2 years of age.) If someone needs to remove their mask, it needs to be done outside the building and away from others.
Physical Distancing:
Members, guests, and staff will practice physical distancing and maintain a minimum separation of 6 feet from anyone who is not part of your household. This includes in the parking lots, in restrooms, and while entering and exiting the building. 
Members, guests, and staff are required to sanitize their hands when entering the building. Hand sanitizer is available in numerous locations throughout the buildings. We also encourage you to bring along your own hand sanitizer to accommodate for individual preferences.
Every other pew will be marked off. Rows of chairs will be placed 6 feet apart. Family units living in the same household will be seated together with 6 feet of space between families. Families will be seated by ushers, beginning with the front of the church.
Music will be offered under the direction of Daniel and Michael. The congregation will not be singing during this time.
Passing of the Peace:
We will offer peace to each other by placing our hands on our hearts while a blessing is read.
Offering baskets and friendship pads will not be distributed. There will be an offering collection bin near the entrance/exit at the beginning and end of the service. We will have an usher staffing the bin.
Communion will be served the fourth Sunday of each month. Communion will be done with prepackaged kits, in your seat, as the last part of the service. Dismissal will be immediately afterwards with trash bins at the exits to dispose of used materials. Worshipers in the home space may commune at home with bread and wine/juice. We will provide instructions on this new procedure during the service.
Leaving Worship:
Dismissal from worship will be done under the direction of ushers. Rows will be dismissed beginning with those closest to the exits. Pastors will not be greeting people, but are readily available by appointment. Please reach out by email or phone to any of our staff. The expectation is that families will exit to the parking lot and will not stand closer than 6 feet from any other people.
Nursery will not be available for use and spaces will be locked.
No meals, snacks, or refreshments will be served in the church -- aka "Fellowship" events.
Cleaning Procedures:
All cleaning procedures have been enhanced. Volunteers and/or Ushers will wipe down pews, door handles, flat surfaces, bathrooms, and any other high touch areas after each service using appropriate techniques. There will not be Bibles, hymnals, or other items in the pews.