Weekly Scripture & Devotions:
You are encouraged to gather with the members of your household and join the members and friends of the Desert Cross community; though we be in separate locations, let us worship together at 6pm.
You are encouraged to gather with the members of your household and join the members and friends of the Desert Cross community; though we be in separate locations, let us worship together at 6pm.
During the month of December, we are adopting the daily devotional #AdventWord offered by Virginia Theological Seminary. You can sign up here to receive the devotional in your inbox each day.
Bible Study from the Bible Project
Here is an excellent home bible study option for you to do alone, with family, or on Zoom with your friends and small groups. Last Advent, we introduced The Bible Project videos to you with word studies of our weekly themes of Hope, Love, Peace, and Joy. We use The Bible Project videos in Adult Forum on Sundays and also in Confirmation. The folks at Bible Project have used their gifts to create a resource for churches to use in this time of social distancing. Let's come together around God's word in a brand new way each week!
Use the link to check it out. You can sign up to receive the bible study directly from Bible Project in your email.
Taking Faith Home
Desert Cross subscribes and makes available to it's congregation the Taking Faith Home series. It is an annual subscription offering suggested daily Bible readings, gives examples of faith practices, and includes weekly prayers. Copies of the devotional are available in the Tempe Narthex and upon request from Dawn Collins in the church office at dcollins@desertcross.org or 480-730-8600.