RENEW: Home Survey

Survey ended September 30, 2018. 

Thank you to the 173 people who participated! The results will be published in the November newsletter, and here on the website by October 28.

Before completing this survey please review the notes below and, only complete this form once. 
Answers will be used to determine the congregation's feelings of priority to changes and improvements to the Tempe campus, and are anonymous. 
Please review both sections of the survey before answering.
Thank you for your participation.
Click on the title above to complete.

RENEW: Home, June 24 Sharette Notes

On June 24 we held a "sharette" to share information with the congregation regarding funding, seating, changes to the exterior, new signage, flooring and soffit removal. The following are notes on the information given and feedback that we received. We had approximately 50 people in attendance and had representation from all three services and all age groups. Thank you to everyone who participated.

*Please remember that all costs included here are estimates and not bid quotes.

Updated budgetary pricing for pews and chairs is: 

$24,000-$30,000 for pews plus $10,000 for chairs


RENEW Slideshow from April 2018 Meeting

*Please note that some of the following information is out of date as of 08-01-2018. More information and budgetary quotes have been acquired by the team and the slides above are a more accurate representation of estimated costs.
