Join us as we explore the adventures of mission and service!
The congregation is invited to join us as we serve together.
Let's throw Kindness around like Confetti!!!

“And let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary.” Galatians 6:9


Tempe and Gilbert: On 3 specific Sundays we (all generations) will gather at 10:30 to serve together.    Let’s make a difference in our families, church, community, and the world...together! Our first one is November 4th. See you then!

Tempe and Gilbert:
Nov. 3:   We╬ogether Serve Families (Come to Tempe for the Crop Walk!)
March 1: We╬ogether Serve those Who Serve Us (Join us in Gilbert for Transportation Day!)
May 2: We╬ogether Serve the World **Saturday... Field Trip to FMSC, sign up in advance!

Serve as a Family in Worship!

Our Desert Cross kids and families are welcomed and encouraged to participate as greeters, ushers, lectors, and prayer and song leaders!

Families, we love having you in worship... now we want you a PART of worship. There are many ways you can be involved in the service. We will show you the ropes and your kids will LOVE serving in these important roles right along side you! 
Sign up as a family or individual to be:
  • Greeters           
  • Ushers
  • Lectors
  • Prayer Readers
  • Song Leaders

Tempe - Contact Shannon Fossett,
Gilbert - Contact Vicki Posler,