During this unprecedented time, there are ways that you can help!

  • Pray: Pray for those working in our hospitals, grocery stores, first responders, our leaders, the community, our world. Pray for those who are sick, who are anxious, for teachers, for students, for those facing financial hardships. 
  • Give Blood: If you are healthy and low risk, please consider registering on-line at www.bloodhero.com and schedule an appointment at a facility near you. There is a strong need for blood donors during this time.
  • Donate: In the monthly newsletters we highlight ways that you can help others with your donations.
              - Grace Lutheran Church in Phoenix is collecting donations for snacks to hand out to           those individuals who stop by the church and look hungry. If you would like to donate           sack lunches with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches (because they don't require           refrigeration) those are being accepted as well. Please contact Grace Lutheran to           schedule drop-offs. More information about this in the May newsletter.
              - Kyrene Resource Center in Tempe is continuing to distribute boxes of non-perishable           food items five days a week from 9:30am to 1:30pm to families in need. If you would           like to drop off food items, you can drop them off at Kyrene Resource Center. It is           located off of Elliot and Lakeshore at 1330 E. Dava Drive, near Kyrene de lid Ninos           School.
              - If you have items that you wished to donate during our March drive for infants,           please keep those items until we are able to meet at church again. The need is greater           than ever.
  • Volunteer: If you are healthy and of low risk, consider giving back with your time.
    Area food banks are looking for volunteers. Please make sure to contact the           organization before you show up so that organizations can adhere to the restrictions           that are in place. 
             - AZCEND was looking for volunteers to help deliver meals to seniors and disabled           individuals. Please contact them to see if there is still a need there.
  • Support local business. Especially those that support the community. We received news that Hidden Treasures Thrift Store is planning a phased re-opening. Currently, the store is be open six days a week (Monday through Saturday) from 10am to 2pm. Face masks are required as most of the volunteer staff falls into an at-risk category.
  • Continue to support Desert Cross so that we can continue our mission and ministries.
    We are here for you during this time and will continue to be here for you after. If you need anything, please reach out. All of the staff is checking e-mail regularly, checking voicemails, and we want to help as we are able.

We will continue to update this page as information is sent to us.