
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers)
1st & 3rd Thursdays • 9-11am • Gilbert

You are invited to a community of moms just for you! We invite you to relax and unwind from your daily grind with good food, good friends, and good fun! MOPS is for all mothers of children from birth through kindergarten. It’s a place where moms can come to be encouraged and supported by other moms who are in the same season of life. During MOPS, children are lovingly cared for in the MOPPETS program. 

For more information about our MOPS groups, contact our MOPS coordinator, Mandie, at

2019-20 Meeting Dates:
1st & 3rd Thursdays // 9-11am // Gilbert

August 15
September 5 & 19
October 3 & 17
November 7 & 21
December 5 & 19

January 2 & 16
February 6 & 20
March 5 & 19
April 2 & 16
May 7 & 21

In addition, we have several events scheduled throughout the year as well as monthly play dates and Moms Night Out.