Welcome to Bolt Backyard VBS!  With minimal preparation, easy to follow instructions, and videos that lead you and your kids step-by-step through each of the 3 days, BOLT is designed to bring all of the fun and faith-formation of Vacation Bible School to the cozy confines of your home. It’s so simple!  *Please make sure you registered using this LINK so that we can make sure you get the info you need emailed to you.  

Start by reading the "Parent and Leader Guide below." After that, you'll be ready to go!


 "Parent and Leader guide"  


Colors of the day:  

Monday:  Black and white (referee)
Tuesday:  yellow, orange or bright green (lightning bolt)
Wednesday:  wear your favorite sports team or sports jersey

---------DAY 1-------

1.  DCLC opening video (watch this first):  Click Here!

2.  Bolt day 1 Video  Click Here!

Coloring sheet  View and Print  
Game instructions  View and Print  
Origami instructions  View and Print  

---------DAY 2-------

1.  DCLC opening video day 2:  Click Here!

2.  Bolt day 2 Video  Click Here!:  

Coloring sheet  View and Print
Game instructions  View and Print  
Origami instructions  View and Print

---------DAY 3-------

 1.  DCLC opening video day 3:  Click Here!

2.  Bolt day 3 video:  Click Here!

Coloring Sheet  View and Print  
Game Instructions  View and Print
Origami Instructions  View and Print